Friday, November 7, 2008

Dinner Guest con't

Walking with Jesus: To Levi's House for Dinner con't
Mark 2:17-20 Jesus came to call sinners, not the righteous

Meditation: The Lord's Food

The cross-offered, risen Word still comes to fill us where we are emptiest, hungriest--where we have discovered the inability of calories to nourish our inner selves.

There where we are filled with sounds that fade,
with hopes that disappear,
with dreams that dissolve,
with good intentions gone astray,
with promises to ourselves broken,
with self-constructed missions designed to give life meaning
that seem to circle into zeros.

Come and eat here at this table.
Take your spirit's fill.
Here is the wine and bread without price.
Here is the free gift of sweet-tasting freedom---of the fullness of forgiveness
and hope that are eternal.
Here, finally, is the meal of your life--for your life.

You are what you eat? Perhaps. but even more, here at Christ's table, we are nothing at all until we have eaten.

Am I learning the good health requires more than simply eating right and exercising. Am I making time for prayer and meditation every day?

Walking with Jesus through this journey....

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