Friday, November 14, 2008

Going Back Home

Walking With Jesus: From the Mountain, Back Home to Nazareth
Mark 3:31-35 Who is my family?

I never really thought about how the land looked that Jesus traveled. This land was and is filled with so much natural beauty. This week in my reading from Mark, I walked with Jesus in the grain fields, up the mountains and along the seashore. I tried to envision the area with its exotic trees and lush flowering plants. I went on the net and googled Jordan River and the pictures were beautiful. I even saw pictures of people getting baptised in the River. (Sandy A. if you reading this...) How cool is that!!!

All this got me thinking. We have beautiful sites here in old southern Indiana but am I being to "busy" to notice. There are spectacular things to see all around us, but am I going so fast I don't notice them anymore. How sad is that.

I am always thinking how stressful life is but am I the cause? I have a choice. I want to replace stress with gratitude. Ps 105 says 1 Hallelujah! Thank God! Pray to him by name! Tell everyone you meet what he has done! 2 Sing him songs, belt out hymns, translate his wonders into music! 3 Honor his holy name with Hallelujahs, you who seek God. Live a happy life! 4 Keep your eyes open for God, watch for his works; be alert for signs of his presence. 5 Remember the world of wonders he has made, his miracles, and the verdicts he's rendered - 6 O seed of Abraham, his servant, O child of Jacob, his chosen. 7 He's God, our God, in charge of the whole earth.

For what am I grateful to God for? Am I really noticing His works? I have to take that first step. I have to remember that it is my choice. I have to begin. (Just like getting healthy!!)

Have you ever noticed the joy in your dog when the leash comes out for a walk? How easy it is to please them!

Ever notice the smell of rain quenching an especially hot and dusty day? How cleansing and renewing it is!

Shut your eyes and remember the touch of someone you love. Imagine the creativity when God said, "Let there be touch".

Also with the title "Going Back Home" what about the Holiday's coming up, am I dreading them or am I going to cherish each and every moment spent with family and friends.

And last help me remember the sweetness of forgiveness between me and another. God's forgiveness is even more pure and freeing because there are no strings attached, just love. God is there someone I need to forgive?

Thank you God, for just so many things! Help me to keep putting one foot in front of the other so that I may Keep Walking With My Jesus.....

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